The First Amendment

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The First Amendment protects us against government limits on our freedom of expression and should be easy to defend, right? Unfortunately, no. Most of us can't afford to sue the government for stepping on or trampling our First Amendment Rights - because let's face it, litigation is very expensive and the government has unlimited resources. When we join together to protect the rights of one, we are protecting the future rights of everyone.

Everyone? Yes, everyone. Sometimes, defending someone’s First Amendment rights means defending vile extremists. Most of us don’t agree with the hatred they spread, so why defend their right to continue spewing their venom? As hard of a pill as it is to swallow, we should fight to defend the rights of the vilest because as soon as the First Amendment rights of the most reprehensible people are limited precedent is set to limit freedom of expression for all of us.

Freedom of speech is the most thought of First Amendment right today. We read social media posts disparaging others all time. We listen to and read news reports where opinion seems to be more prevalent than fact. Those making the comments often cite their First Amendment Right to free speech as a defense. But is it?

Fighting for the First Amendment doesn’t just mean fighting to ensure the government doesn’t further limit our freedom of expression, it also means fighting for the integrity of the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment – as they were intended.

Courts in the United States continue to struggle with free speech and the right not to be defamed. It is a constant balancing act that if no one is watching, can easily tilt against you and me.

The First Amendment doesn’t give anyone the right to bully and defame others without consequence. Many get away with their comments and behavior because most of us lack the money to bring meritorious defamation claims.

Maintaining the pureness of the First Amendment in this digital and social media age will be tricky. Individually, it will be almost impossible but together we will be able to hire the best lawyers in the nation to defend our First Amendment rights and ensure they continue as our forefathers intended.

Join us in the fight today by signing up for our mailing list and making a donation today.